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Le Canada et l'Amérique agitent des drapeaux sur un ciel bleu

Log Supply Canada/United States

Tracteur travaillant dans la forêt

Continuous Supply

A strong relationship of trust has been developed with forest producers. The company focuses its efforts on obtaining superior quality forest products in order to offer its customers a product of consistent colour and high performance at competitive prices.


Please contact us for a price list.


Log Purchase Manager

Rodrigue Poulin


Grumes d'arbres fraîchement coupés dans un gros tas


Authorized representative for Megantic Veneer Company in the State of Maine.

Bruno Dupuis

Responsable des achats de Veneer



Do You Have Logs to Sell?

Please fill out the form below to contact us.

Pile de bois de grumes sciées de pin et d'épinette pour l'industrie forestière
Texture du bois

Administrative Office

Les Bois Poulin inc.

658, Poulin St C.P. 2003,

Lac-Drolet (QC) Canada 

G0Y 1C0

The Sawmill in Saint-Ludger

Les Bois Poulin inc.
208, Moulin St,
Saint-Ludger (QC) Canada
G0M 1W0

Phone: 819-548-5451

The Sawmill in Saint-Jacques-de-Leeds

Bois-Franc Nord Inc
785, 269 S Rte,
Saint-Jacques de Leeds (QC) Canada G0N 1J0

Phone: 418-424-0096

The Factory in Shawinigan

Bois-Franc Nord Inc
4525, Jean-Duchesne Ave,
Industrial Park,
Shawinigan (QC) Canada
G9N 6T5

Phone: 819-537-5721

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